Seize Everything
Seize Everything


Always Busy

Things I have been doing instead of blogging for the past couple months: -Running Spirit of the Century -Working on yet another tabletop RPG system, this time with a lot more crunch to it -Reading Worm obsessively -Writing a short story that I plan on trying to turn into a novel once the class I […] Read more

Chaingun Duck

Sometimes, in the course of scheduling interviews and whatnot, an employer considering hiring me for a co-op or something asks me to make something for them as a bit of a test. This time the request was, and I quote, “Draw Donald Duck with a Chaingun.” I think it came out rather well, especially considering […] Read more

Bounteous Teaser

I think I’ve figured out what my summer project is going to be. More details will be forthcoming. In the meantime, I’ve drawn this. This drawing/ad/cover/thing is, in fact misdirection. The character pictured does not use a sword in this particular story (or at least she doesn’t in the current draft). Consider it a character […] Read more

Winter Gaming

Games I played over winter break: Legend of the Five Rings: Dorf ran two sessions of this. We played as Jake Magistrates in the Empire of Rokugan, going around trying to suss out treason while still acting honorably in this pseudo-Japanese society. I had a helluva lot of fun playing a mildly-dishonorable Scorpion-clan asshole with […] Read more

I, The Hound

Another animation done for my 2d Animation class. This was supposed to be a story-based character animation using the looping animations that we’d done previously. I put the loops in the credits and went for something completely different. Starring the Wanted Man and the Tracker-Soul, set in my D&D world. youtube= Read more

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