Seize Everything
Seize Everything


The Guild of Assessment

Despite the D&D game not happening currently, I still can’t resist drawing things for it… The Guild of Assessment is the police/investigative organization controlled by the Princeps of the Grey City. Initially intended to be an impartial investigator and judge in mercantile disputes and crimes, the Guild’s purview has expanded since the Grey City fell […] Read more

The Trader

Peter (my roommate) is starting up a game of Rogue Trader, which will be played whenever we get a chance/aren’t playing D&D. It’s the first time he’s ever run a game; here’s hoping it’s a good one. We did character and ship creation the other night, which took far longer than I expected (I should […] Read more

The Party

I finally finished a drawing of the party that I’ve been working on. It took a while because I wanted to make sure everyone was satisfied with how I was representing their characters, which meant asking for their opinions multiple times; and since the only time everyone was together and I had my laptop handy […] Read more

I, The Hound

Another animation done for my 2d Animation class. This was supposed to be a story-based character animation using the looping animations that we’d done previously. I put the loops in the credits and went for something completely different. Starring the Wanted Man and the Tracker-Soul, set in my D&D world. youtube= Read more

Some More Artwork

An automaton designed for a very specific purpose. Can’t say any more, as my players have yet to encounter anything like it. These two gentlemen fled from Castle Rahas on horseback as soon as the players freed everyone from the Servant of the Chained One. They did not have chains around their necks, unlike everyone […] Read more

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