A while ago, I tried to get myself to start reviewing books on my blog here. That didn’t work out super well, as evidenced by the fact that there’s only one post tagged as “What’s Adam reading?” in the entire archive.
A few months ago, I decided to give that whole book review thing another shot. If I was bad at posting them I’d just write them for myself, and see if I could keep it up for a month or two. Just see what came of that.
My reasons were purely selfish: I’d spent decades reading fantasy and sci-fi books and not talking about them with anyone, until this last year when I started taking suggestions from and giving suggestions to other people in the writing group I started meeting with once a week. Suddenly I could talk about the books I was reading, and I discovered I really liked doing it.
However, I have a problem: I read way too fast. I read more books than I can reasonably expect other people to keep up with. So I’ve got this thing where now I want to talk about what I’m reading, but for most of these books the only person I know who I can discuss them with is myself, because no one else I know reads 1-3 full novels a week (and if they do they’re not the same 1-3 books, so you know, same end result).
So for the past three or four months I’ve been writing reviews, and for the past month or so I’ve been posting them on a new blog that I created for that purpose. My Carpe Omnis blog is more for my gaming stuff, I think; I’m keeping the book review thing separate for now, because I feel like it’s a different part of me that deserves its own life.
Find my reviews by clicking on the image here:

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